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Mooloolaba is within easy reach of the region's major shopping centres:
The Sunshine Plaza (2 levels of shopping mall) and Kawana Shopping World are within 10 minutes drive from Bellardoo Holiday Apartments. Mooloolaba Esplanade itself offers a great range of retail outlets from Surfwear, through to elegant evening wear from many exclusive clothing labels.
Eumundi - famous for its pub, a beer and of course, the markets. The Eumundi Markets are one of the many favourite attractions on the Sunshine Coast and draw big crowds on both Wednesday and Saturday.
For those of you who don't know, Eumundi is a relatively small town in Noosa's very pretty and fertile hinterland. The area grows crops of sugar cane, ginger and strawberries.
But it's the markets which now define the town. They've grown from a small site underneath the fig trees on Eumundi's main street to overtaking a serious chunk of the town...well, at least twice a week!